GET /content/items/v1/{itemId}

Get FT content by id for content that is available on

Resource URL



Parameter NameValueRequiredDefaultDescriptionExample
itemId string yes   The id of the content item to get. /content/items/v1/834ffdf2-728c-11e1-9be9-00144feab49a
bodyFormat string no structured Request the body be formatted in plain text or structured HTML format. Valid values are ‘plain’ or ‘structured’. ?bodyFormat=plain
publishedWithin number no none A number of hours: the item result will only include package items (i.e. related stories) last published during that period. ?publishedWithin=24
publishedSince datetime no none A date in the ISO format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ: the item result will only include package items (i.e. related stories) last published since that date. ?publishedSince=2012-01-11T10:00:00.000Z
aspects comma-separated list of strings no If no aspects are specified, all aspects will be returned (for backwards compatibility). One or more valid aspects - title, body, lifecycle, location, summary, packaging, master, editorial, provenance, metadata, images, package, assets, mediaAssets (deprecated). The item result will only include the specified aspects. Requesting only the aspects you require will give a leaner response to your request. ?aspects=body,lifecycle,summary
feature.blogposts string no none Allows to enable or disable blogPosts. Valid values are ‘on’ or ‘off’. ?feature.blogposts=on
feature.usage string no none Allows to enable or disable usage aspect. Valid values are ‘on’ or ‘off’. ?feature.usage=on
feature.textualBody string no none Allows to enable or disable textualBody aspect. Valid values are ‘on’ or ‘off’. ?feature.textualBody=on

Note: The identity of content can be determined in a number of ways:

Request Body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


HTTP Statuses

Http Status Description
200 Ok Content item exists and has been returned
403 Forbidden Content item exists, but access is restricted.
404 Not Found Content item does not exist
410 Gone Content item no longer exists

200 OK - Content Item exists and has been returned

If successful, this method returns a content item resource in a standard api response body.

  “requestUrl”: string,
  “item”: {
    “aspectSet”: string,
    “aspects”: [ string ],
    “modelVersion”: string,
    “id”: string,
    “apiUrl”: string,
    “title”: {
      “title”: string
    … See content item resource for full content item details …

403 Forbidden - Content item exists, but access is restricted

If access to the content item is restricted (for example content originating at 3rd party agencies), this method returns a standard api error response body

  “requestUrl”: string,
  “message”: string

404 Not Found - Content item does not exist

If the content item does not exist this method returns a standard api error response body

  “requestUrl”: string,
  “message”: string

410 Gone - Content item no longer exists

If the content item no longer exists (e.g. it may have been unpublished) this method returns a standard api error response body

  “requestUrl”: string,
  “message”: string


Retrieve an article with all aspects

  “requestUrl”: “",
  “item”: {
    “aspectSet”: “article”,
    “aspects”: [
    “modelVersion”: “1”,
    “id”: “834ffdf2-728c-11e1-9be9-00144feab49a”,
    “apiUrl”: “",
    “title”: {
      “title”: “Coding as a second language”
    “body”: {
      “mediaType”: “text/html”
      “body”: “

Alliott Cole sees a large number of tech start-ups in his work as principal in the early-stage investment team of private equity firm Octopus. The trouble is that he often struggles to comprehend what those writing the software that underpins those companies are talking about.<\/p>\n

“For several years I have worked hard to understand how new infrastructure, products and applications work together to disrupt markets,” he says, explaining why he recently decided to take a course that claims to be able to teach even the most IT-illiterate person how to create a software application, or app, in just
a day. <\/p>\n

“While [I am] conversant in many of the trends and the – often confusing – array of terminology, it troubled me that I remained an observant passenger rather than an active driver, particularly in the realms of computer programming.”<\/p>\n

Mr Cole is not alone, which is why eight executives and I are sitting in a penthouse apartment perch­ed on top of a 1930s office block in London’s trendy Clerkenwell having our turn on the same course. <\/p>“ }, “lifecycle”: { “initialPublishDateTime”: “2012-03-28T17:10:15.000Z”, “lastPublishDateTime”: “2012-03-28T17:10:15.000Z” }, “location”: { “uri”: “" }, “summary”: { “excerpt”: “To help them do their day jobs better, a course tries to demystify the world of technology for IT-illiterate executives, writes Jonathan Moules” }, “packaging”: { “kicker”: “Jonathan Moules”, “spHeadline”: “Coding as a second language” }, “master”: { “masterSource”: “Methode”, “masterEntityId”: “834ffdf2-728c-11e1-9be9-00144feab49a” }, “editorial”: { “subheading”: “I signed up for a course that aims to demystify technology for executives, writes Jonathan Moules”, “leadBody”: “To help them do their day jobs better, a course tries to demystify the world of technology for IT-illiterate executives, writes Jonathan Moules”, “standFirst”: “I signed up for a course that aims to demystify the world of technology for IT-illiterate executive, writes Jonathan Moules”, “byline”: “By Jonathan Moules” }, “provenance”: { “originatingParty”: “FT” }, “metadata”: { “primarySection”: { “term”: { “name”: “Entrepreneurship”, “id”: “MTM1-U2VjdGlvbnM=”, “attributes”: [], “taxonomy”: “Sections” } }, “tags”: [ { “term”: { “name”: “Entrepreneurship”, “id”: “MTM1-U2VjdGlvbnM=”, “attributes”: [], “taxonomy”: “Sections” } }, { “term”: { “name”: “Features”, “id”: “NGQ2MWQ0NDMtMDc5Mi00NWExLTlkMGQtNWZhZjk0NGExOWU2-R2VucmVz”, “attributes”: [], “taxonomy”: “Genres” } }, { “term”: { “name”: “Text”, “id”: “ZjMwY2E2NjctMDA1Ni00ZTk4LWI0MWUtZjk5MTk2ZTMyNGVm-TWVkaWFUeXBlcw==”, “attributes”: [], “taxonomy”: “MediaTypes” } } ] }, “images”: [ { “url”: “", “type”: “primary”, “alt”: “Jonathan Moules taking part in a Decoded session teaching participants to code in a day.”, “height”: 192, “width”: 272, “mediaType”: “image/jpeg” }, { “url”: “", “type”: “secondary”, “alt”: “Jonathan Moules taking part in a Decoded session teaching participants to code in a day.”, “height”: 96, “width”: 167, “mediaType”: “image/jpeg” }, { “url”: “", “type”: “article”, “alt”: “Jonathan Moules taking part in a Decoded session teaching participants to code in a day.”, “height”: 427, “width”: 272, “mediaType”: “image/jpeg” } ], “package”: [ { “id”: “64ef5246-5c4c-11e1-911f-00144feabdc0”, “apiUrl”: “", “packaging”: { “kicker”: “Overview”, “spHeadline”: “Mobility ushers in a brave new world” }, “provenance”: { “originatingParty”: “FT” } }, { “id”: “e66a94fa-58d4-11e1-b9c6-00144feabdc0”, “apiUrl”: “", “packaging”: { “kicker”: “M2M communications”, “spHeadline”: “‘Internet of things’ breaks through $10 barrier” }, “provenance”: { “originatingParty”: “FT” } }, { “id”: “aeca3848-56fe-11e1-be25-00144feabdc0”, “apiUrl”: “", “packaging”: { “kicker”: “Retail”, “spHeadline”: “Knowing your stock is the key to a busy shop” }, “provenance”: { “originatingParty”: “FT” } }, { “id”: “a15abc0c-57ec-11e1-bf61-00144feabdc0”, “apiUrl”: “", “packaging”: { “kicker”: “Paying by phone”, “spHeadline”: “Concerns about security remain a barrier to use” }, “provenance”: { “originatingParty”: “FT” } }, { “id”: “0054b460-5bb2-11e1-a447-00144feabdc0”, “apiUrl”: “", “packaging”: { “kicker”: “Tablets”, “spHeadline”: “Corporate market still up for grabs” }, “provenance”: { “originatingParty”: “FT” } } ] } }

Retrieve an article with specific aspects only

  “requestUrl”: “",
  “item”: {
    “aspectSet”: “article”,
    “aspects”: [
    “modelVersion”: “1”,
    “id”: “834ffdf2-728c-11e1-9be9-00144feab49a”,
    “apiUrl”: “",
    “lifecycle”: {
      “initialPublishDateTime”: “2012-03-28T17:10:15.000Z”,
      “lastPublishDateTime”: “2012-03-28T17:10:15.000Z”
    “summary”: {
      “excerpt”: “To help them do their day jobs better, a course tries to demystify the world of technology for IT-illiterate executives, writes Jonathan Moules”

Retrieve a slideshow with all aspects

   “requestUrl”: “http://localhost:8080/content/items/v1/9f573706-71c3-11e0-9adf-00144feabdc0",
  “item”: {
    “aspectSet”: “slideshow”,
    “aspects”: [
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    “apiUrl”: “http://localhost:8080/content/items/v1/9f573706-71c3-11e0-9adf-00144feabdc0",
    “title”: {},
    “body”: {
      “mediaType”: “text/html”,
      “body”: “\n<aside data-asset-type=\“slideshow\” data-asset-name=\“asset1\”></aside>“
    “lifecycle”: {},
    “location”: {
      “uri”: “"
    “packaging”: {},
    “master”: {
      “masterSource”: “Methode”,
      “masterEntityId”: “9f573706-71c3-11e0-9adf-00144feabdc0”
    “editorial”: {},
    “provenance”: {
      “originatingParty”: “FT”
    “images”: [],
    “assets”: [
      “type”: “slideshow”,
      “name”: “asset1”,
“fields”: {
“title”: “US storms”, “slides”: [ { “slideNumber”: 1, “url”: “83ffa91c-728a-11e0-96bf-00144feabdc0.img”, “alt”: “Barack Obama tours tornado damage alongside local and federal officials in Tuscaloosa, Alabama”, “caption”: “Barack Obama tours tornado damage alongside local and federal officials in Tuscaloosa, Alabama”, “height”: 510, “width”: 826, “mediaType”: “image/jpeg” }, { “slideNumber”: 2, “url”: “ba521e5e-728b-11e0-96bf-00144feabdc0.img”, “alt”: “The US president holds 2-year-old Isaiah Lawrence at the Holt Elementary School in Holt, Alabama, being used as a relief center”, “caption”: “The US president holds 2-year-old Isaiah Lawrence at the Holt Elementary School in Holt, Alabama, being used as a relief center”, “height”: 510, “width”: 826, “mediaType”: “image/jpeg” }, { “slideNumber”: 3, “url”: “c3d80a30-728e-11e0-96bf-00144feabdc0.img”, “alt”: “Obama shakes hands with local residents as he views tornado damage in Tuscaloosa”, “caption”: “Obama shakes hands with local residents as he views tornado damage in Tuscaloosa”, “height”: 510, “width”: 826, “mediaType”: “image/jpeg” }, { “slideNumber”: 4, “url”: “7c8038f2-7297-11e0-96bf-00144feabdc0.img”, “alt”: “Obama toured ‘heartbreaking’ devastation left by murderous tornadoes and storms that killed 313 people, and vowed to help southern communities rebuild”, “caption”: “Obama toured ‘heartbreaking’ devastation left by murderous tornadoes and storms that killed 313 people, and vowed to help southern communities rebuild”, “height”: 510, “width”: 826, “mediaType”: “image/jpeg” } ] } } ] “mediaAssets”: [ { “type”: “slideshow”, “name”: “asset1”, “slideshowHeading”: “US storms”, “slides”: [ { “slideNumber”: 1, “url”: “83ffa91c-728a-11e0-96bf-00144feabdc0.img”, “alt”: “Barack Obama tours tornado damage alongside local and federal officials in Tuscaloosa, Alabama”, “caption”: “Barack Obama tours tornado damage alongside local and federal officials in Tuscaloosa, Alabama”, “height”: 510, “width”: 826, “mediaType”: “image/jpeg” }, { “slideNumber”: 2, “url”: “ba521e5e-728b-11e0-96bf-00144feabdc0.img”, “alt”: “The US president holds 2-year-old Isaiah Lawrence at the Holt Elementary School in Holt, Alabama, being used as a relief center”, “caption”: “The US president holds 2-year-old Isaiah Lawrence at the Holt Elementary School in Holt, Alabama, being used as a relief center”, “height”: 510, “width”: 826, “mediaType”: “image/jpeg” }, { “slideNumber”: 3, “url”: “c3d80a30-728e-11e0-96bf-00144feabdc0.img”, “alt”: “Obama shakes hands with local residents as he views tornado damage in Tuscaloosa”, “caption”: “Obama shakes hands with local residents as he views tornado damage in Tuscaloosa”, “height”: 510, “width”: 826, “mediaType”: “image/jpeg” }, { “slideNumber”: 4, “url”: “7c8038f2-7297-11e0-96bf-00144feabdc0.img”, “alt”: “Obama toured ‘heartbreaking’ devastation left by murderous tornadoes and storms that killed 313 people, and vowed to help southern communities rebuild”, “caption”: “Obama toured ‘heartbreaking’ devastation left by murderous tornadoes and storms that killed 313 people, and vowed to help southern communities rebuild”, “height”: 510, “width”: 826, “mediaType”: “image/jpeg” } ] } ] } }

Retrieve a blogPost with all aspects

   “requestUrl”: “",
  “item”: {
    “aspectSet”: “blogPost”,
    “aspects”: [
    “modelVersion”: “1”,
    “id”: “65ad05e6-f33b-31d6-b466-2d71bf228f17”,
    “apiUrl”: “",
    “title”: {
        “title”: “Spain’s bond yields jump to euro-era high”
    “body”: {
      “mediaType”: “text/html”,
      “body”: “<p>Spain’s borrowing costs reached a new euro-era high on Monday as fears about the country’s wilting economy and government finances outweighed the <a title=\“Bank bailout fails to ease Spain concern -\” href=\“">eurozone’s approval of loans to help Madrid</a> recapitalise its banks.</p>\n<p>The yield demanded by lenders on benchmark 10-year debt issued by Madrid rose 25 basis points to 7.52 per cent, above the 7.285 per cent peak touched earlier in the crisis, according to Bloomberg data.</p>\n<p>There were records across the yield curve, with Spain’s two-year notes yielding 6.55 per cent and its five-year borrowing costs touching 7.35 per cent. </p>\n<p>Credit default swaps on Spain jumped to 632bp, taking the cost of insuring against default on the country’s sovereign debt to new highs. </p>\n<p>Yields on haven assets in the UK and Germany were again flirting with record lows. The yields on 10-year gilts hit 1.44 per cent, while 10-year Bunds were trading at 1.14 per cent. </p>\n<p>Analysts said that the sharp jump in borrowing costs for Spain reflected fresh investor concerns as attention switched from problems in the banking system to the wider economy. Last week the region of Valencia requested emergency aid from the central government. Growth figures have also disappointed. </p>\n<p>On Monday, the Bank of Spain said that the Spanish economy had contracted 0.4 per cent in the three months to June, compared with the previous quarter. In the first three months of the year the economy contracted 0.3 per cent. On an annual basis the bank said the economy had contracted 1 per cent.</p>\n<p>Spain is expected to remain in recession until 2014, adding further headwinds to its fight to regain the confidence of financial markets. </p>\n<p>Gary Jenkins of Swordfish Research said in a note that the yields indicated that: “Spain may soon struggle to fund itself in the market and, therefore, unless some positive action is taken the country will need a full bailout.”</p>\n<p>Any secondary market buying by the ECB would be taken as a negative rather than as a positive by the market. He said a more likely outcome was that either the Spanish banks continued to support the government at its bond auctions or that the European Financial Stability Facility or European Stability Mechanism, the eurozone bailout funds, started to buy bonds in the primary market.</p>\n<p>Spanish government bond auctions have increasingly been largely supported by domestic banks. However, <a title=\“Spain’s borrowing costs surge after sale -\” href=\“">last week’s auction</a> of €3bn of bonds was particularly disappointing as demand dipped and yields jumped. </p>\n<p>Spain has been selling mainly short-dated bonds to reduce its interest rate payments. Rising short-term borrowing costs exacerbated concerns that Madrid may be forced to seek a full sovereign bailout from the eurozone’s rescue facilities – in addition to its already agreed €100bn bank rescue.</p>\n<p>The <a title=\“In Depth: Euro in crisis -\” href=\“">euro remained under pressure</a> against the dollar, losing a further 0.2 per cent in early trade on Monday to $1.2093 as investors fled for the safety of the US currency. </p>“
    “lifecycle”: {
    “location”: {
      “uri”: “"
    “summary”: {},
    “packaging”: {},
    “master”: {},
    “editorial”: {
      “byline”:“Brigitte Roediger, University of Stellenbosch”
                “name”:“MBA blog”,
                 “name”:“MBA blog”,
                 “name”:“5557 Publishing”,
                 “name”:“South Africa”,
                  “name”:“Business Education”,