
 A content item, for example an FT article, is represented in the API as a JSON data structure (shown below) that is received in the body of a response for a successful request.

    "id": string,
    "type": string,
    "bodyXML": string,
    "title": string,
    "byline": string,
    "publishedDate": datetime,
    "requestUrl": string,
    "brands": [
    "webUrl": string,
    "canBeSyndicated": string

All content has a type which determines what properties it has.

Article Properties

Articles have a type of
Property NameValueDescription
id string The unique identifier for the article
type string The type of this article.
bodyXML string: HTML-compatible XML The body of the article. HTML-compatible XML, enclosed in a <body> tag. This property is not present for live blog articles. 
openingXML string: HTML-compatible XML

A representation of the beginning of the article, suitable for displaying in summary pages, search results or streams, or in places where the available space is restricted.

If space is severely restricted, clients are advised to use a truncation of this field in preference to the bodyXML.

This field is not currently available for all content. A fallback representation may be derived from the bodyXML if available.

title string: plain text The title of the content. For articles this is the main headline
byline string: plain text A line identifying the author(s) of the content.
publishedDate datetime The date and time the content was last published on, formatted as a string in ISO 8601 format
requestUrl string: a URL The URL for the request made to retrieve this content.
brands deprecated list of strings

A list of URIs that represent the content's brand(s)

This field is deprecated and will be removed at some point in the future. Not all brands are available in this list.

To get the definitive list of brands associated with a content item, you should use the /enrichedcontent API rather than the /content API. Contact us for more details.

realtime boolean

Is the content experienced by the consumer in real time?

This field is currently used for live blogs. For other content this property is not present.

Real-time content which has finished retains a true value for this property.

webUrl string: a URL The URL to use for accessing the content online
canBeSyndicated string: plain text The value determining if the content may be syndicated

Body XML

The body is supplied as HTML-compatible XML. The following HTML tags may be included in the structured body.

Text Formatting

The following markup is currently supported in the body of FT content:

HTML TagDescription
<h1> to <h6> Headings
<br> Line breaks
<strong> Strong text
<u> Underlined text
<em> Emphasised text
<del> Defines text that has been deleted
<sub> Subscript
<sup> Superscript

Block Elements

The following block elements are supported:

HTML Tag Description
<ol>, <ul> and <li> Ordered lists, unordered lists and list items
<p> Paragraphs
<blockquote> Specifies a section that is quoted

Links to FT Content

Links to FT content represented by a element are those which are currently available via API v2.


Energy Future Holdings

The url attribute provides access to that content in the API (when used with a valid API Key).

Other content types

The FT API includes content of other types, such as images or video. Clients may be notified about changes to these types of content. If you receive a piece of content of a non-article type, your client should be able to cope, for example by ignoring this content.

Contact us for more details of the data available for content of different types.