Enriched Content

An enriched content item, for example an FT article, is represented in the API as a JSON data structure (shown below) that is received in the body of a response for a successful request.

    "id": string,
    "type": string,
    "bodyXML": string,
    "title": string,
    "standfirst": string,

    "byline": string,
        "firstpublishedDate": datetime, 
        "publishedDate": datetime,
    "requestUrl": string,
    "brands": [
        "apiUrl": string,
        "prefLabel": string,
    "types": [
    "annotations": [
    "curatedRelatedContent": [
    "webUrl": string

Enriched Content Properties

Property NameValueDescription
id string The unique identifier for the content
type string The type of this content. Currently only "http://www.ft.com/ontology/content/Article" is supported.
bodyXML string The body of the content. HTML-compatible XML, enclosed in a <body> tag. This property is not present for live blog article content.
title string The title of the content. For articles this is the main headline
standfirst string TBC
byline string The author(s) of the content
firstpublishedDate datetime The date and time the content was first published on www.ft.com, formatted as a string in ISO 8601 format
publishedDate datetime The date and time the content was last published on www.ft.com, formatted as a string in ISO 8601 format
requestUrl string The URL for the request made to retrieve this content.
brands string A list of URIs that represent the content's brand(s)
realtime boolean true indicates that the content is experienced by the consumer in realtime, such as a live blog post, and the body of the content is not present. For other content this property is not present.
standout boolean

Can be "exclusive", "scoop" and "editorsChoice".  They indicate that the content is worthy of special attention. "Scoop" identifies news that is not yet reported by any other media organisations, which only the FT has knowledge of and and is breaking ahead of other news providers. "Exclusive" identifies content only available through the FT (eg interview, comment). Not necessarily a scoop and can be about an event or subject that has been previously reported."EditorsChoice" identifies journalism that our Editorial team wish to highlight because it is worthy of special attention.

canbeSyndicated string Can be "yes", "no" or "verify".
If "yes" then if you have a syndication agreement with the FT then this content may be available to syndicate, subject to the conditions of the agreement.
If "no" then you can't, even if you have a syndication agreement.
If "verify", then it may be available to syndicate, but there are extra restrictions or additional payment requirements, and you should contact the FT to find out what these are.

apiUrl string The URL of the content in the API.
prefLabel string The title of the content. For articles this is the main headline.
types string A list of content types shown in hierarchy. E.g. http://www.ft.com/ontology/content/Article.
annotations string Annotations are data about the content intended to describe its subject matter. (might need expanding).
curatedRelatedContent string A list of other related content that the editorial team consider particularly pertinent.
webUrl string The URL of the content on FT.com website.

Body XML

The body is supplied as HTML-compatible XML. The following HTML tags may be included in the structured body.

Text Formatting

The following markup is currently supported in the body of FT content:

HTML TagDescription
<h1>to <h6> Headings
<br> Line breaks
<strong> Strong text
<u> Underlined text
<em> Emphasised text
<del> Defines text that has been deleted
<sub> Subscript
<sup> Superscript

Block Elements

The following block elements are supported:

HTML TagDescription
<ol><ul> and <li> Ordered lists, unordered lists and list items
<p> Paragraphs
<blockquote> Specifies a section that is quoted

Links to FT Content

Links to FT content represented by a element are those which are currently available via API v2.


<ft-content title="Bankrupt Energy Future Holdings’ value surges - FT.com" type="http://www.ft.com/ontology/content/Article" url="http://api.ft.com/content/8bb0966a-0a9b-11e4-ac2a-00144feabdc0">Energy Future Holdings</ft-content>

The url attribute provides access to that content in the API (when used with a valid API Key).