
Content Notifications consist of a collection of Notifications, where each Notification represents an item of content that has been modified or deleted; and links containing the url to use in retrieving the next set of results, so that you won’t miss any updates.

The notifications generated correspond to FT articles and blog posts (and may include FastFT posts if your licence allows it).

Notification Resource Representation

A notification is represented in the FT API as a JSON data structure, as shown below, that is received in the body of a response. This example shows all possible fields a notification can contain. (Note that contentType may be missing, depending on your key permissions.)

    “type”: string,
    “id”: string,
    “apiUrl”: string,
    “contentType”: string

Notification Properties

Property NameValueDescription
type string One of, or
Note that, unless your key allows a distinction between newly published and updated content, UPDATE is used to indicate both new content and changes to existing content.
id string The id of the content that has been updated
apiUrl string The apiUrl to request the content that has been updated
contentType string The type of content you are notified about, e.g. Article, LiveBlogPost.

Links Resource Representation

The detail of the next request to make to the Content Notifications API is represented as a link shown below. If you use this link, you should not miss any updates.

    “href”: string,
    “rel”: string

Links Properties

Property NameValueDescription
href string The target URI of the link. URIs provided by the notifications API should be considered opaque and not parsed. This will ensure you receive all notifications at least once, and minimises the likelihood of receiving duplicate notifications for a change.
rel string The relationship the target resource has with the notification feed. Currently only next is supported - a link to use for your next request, to ensure you see all notifications. There will only be 1 link of this type.
